Thursday, August 27, 2009

We all played "in and out" the glasshouse this afternoon while Jamie was trying to clean it. I think she got a bit frustrated with us! Simone was the only one to lay an egg today - in a nesting box for a change- we usually sleep in them!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another 3 egg day. Simone led the way, then Seecil, and I finished off the egg laying activity!
In the afternoon we helped Jamie in the garden, sewing mesclun and Broccoli! She shut us out of the glasshouse, and we let her know we were not pleased by tapping on the glass door all the time she was in there!

Simone says it is high time she had her photo up here, so... watch this space....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

jamie was very excited today as this was the first day we all laid an egg. A 3 egg day!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Well,  Jamie has been putting compost on parts of the garden which has kept us happy as lots of grubs and things to scratch and then today she planted some globe artichokes in that spot, so I guess she doesn't want us scratching there anymore. It might not stop us! We all snuck into the glasshouse when she was watering in there today and admired kale, cabbage, silver beet and lettuce seedlings!
Here is a photo of our eggs. The other two are FINALLY starting to get producing as well. The big brown ones are mine of course. The larger pale ones are Seecils first 2 efforts and the small one's are Simone's. Jamie's very proud of us all!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Breaking news - 2 eggs in one day! Simone - surviving bantam has laid her first egg. half the size of mine! Small and pale........ Very exciting for her and us all though!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Oh dear - it is a SAD day here. Sweet Pea had been  back in isolation in the glasshouse since Monday and was still very unwell. Today her babysitters Alys and Simcha came, and now the glasshouse is empty and Jamie looks very sad. However I heard Jamie say that Sweet Pea's feathers will be used by Tangi in the making of a korowai, so she will live on in that way. We are missing her. But really more interested in FOOD!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Well the late afternoon has proved very interesting. Sweet Pea has come home. She immediately started raving on about having become a Trekkie while staying with Alys and Simcha. Consequently Seecil is giving her the run around, in case she had forgotten who is top hen. However S P  also stood up to Simone, so fun and games around the garden.. I just kept on eating. Sweet Pea still has  a funny bulge on the side of her face and doesn't look that well, but it is good to have her home. 

She's back!! Jamie's back!! So exciting . We have had several visits and wheat and our house cleaned out and I rushed inside in the late morning and laid a big brown egg which she was so excited about that she had it for lunch!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Well I laid another egg today - to cheer Jamie up. That makes the grand total of 12 now!
Sweet Pea has gone away to be bantam sat while Jamie is away. Chico is being cat sat somewhere too.
So the 3 of us will mind the fort for the next week. Hope Louise remembers us!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Oh dear - apparently Sweet Pea went to the vet today and is very ill. She has had antibiotics and is going to be away from us for a while. I hope she is OK, I 've got quite fond of having her around.
Jamie is going away on Wednesday, so it is all very anxious making, though no doubt she will make arrangements for us. It won't be the same though. Sigh!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oh late news. Sweet Pea is ailing, so Chaz and Jamie have taken her away and I understand she is inside in the warm and the vet will be consulted tomorrow. She is the littlest one of us, so I hope she is OK.

Well I laid another egg today - we were out and about, and I ducked back in and laid another egg! Jamie got a real surprise at that when she discovered it later. One tedious thing I have to report is that actually Seecil is top of the pecking order! Sigh! So she demanded a close up on here too!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Well, Jamie went off and left us again, but Miriam brought us lots of greens and food.
So I laid another egg to reward her. Jamie arrived home today with Chaz - who apparently helped build our house. He was pretty pleased to finally meet us and picked me up a few times. Jamie picked up Seecil but she squawked! It was good to be out and about in teh garden again  this afternoon. bit damp though.