Friday, October 23, 2009

Jamie is ecstatic - Simone went into our house and despite being moved out of the nesting box a bit later by Seecil- who whipped in laid an egg and whipped out again - Simone rearranged herself where I lay my eggs, and after a long, long time she emerged and an egg sat there. 6 weeks to the day since she last laid!

We celebrated later today with a dust bath in the glasshouse. So another 3 egg day at last!
And we did a bit of jeans cleaning too!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Seecil and I helping Belinda weave wind breaks. We were " cleaning her jeans". It was a sad day today - there was a fence across the top of the ramp and we couldn't get into the garage. There is also a fence around the main vege garden - sigh! But at least we were let out. We have been kept in these last couple of days. Jamie is still convinced that Simone is laying but hiding them. Still no luck on that front.

Monday, October 12, 2009

We had a dust bath in the glasshouse today as Jamie was studying the seed raising pots. I gather she has cucumber and some tomatoes, and sunflowers up. Don't understand that, but know it is a great place to have  dust bath! Simone still isn't laying, but Seecil and I are being very regular with our beautiful eggs!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

You know that garden we can't get to??? Well, we can!! Simone showed us how. You just fly in!
Jamie is NOT impressed!

Monday, October 5, 2009

It is cold here, with snow on the hills behind, and Jamie still did a bit in the garden just now. She has been quite busy lately with the compost and the garden and stuff. We have had some snails - we like those! And two big grubs out of some old wood !! Woohoo. Jamie rescued two lizards from the wood pile and put them in the Lizardry ( a special pile of stones)and out of reach of our beaks - sigh!